Monday 20 October 2014

Wait, that's not my face

The Cheshire cat

Through scrolling through endless YouTube makeup tutorial videos I saw one on how to transform your face to look like the Cheshire cat from Tim Burton's rendition of "Alice in Wonderland" and I couldn't resist giving it a go.
The first task was to cancel out my eye-brows and with thick dark ones like mine it wasn't easy. I applied glue over them after brushing them upwards first in an attempt to smooth them a little. I then applied powder and foundation over them. After repeating this 3 times I realized it was the best I was going to get for my first attempt and continued to follow the rest of the tutorial. I adapted the shape of the eye slightly to hide the parts of the eyebrows you could still see.

I made the outlines for the nose, eyes and smile then set to work on creating the fur which is harder than you think at first, but once I knew how the makeup I was using looked with the techniques I used I soon got it done. I didn't use the exact products that are used in the original video as I simply didn't have them but used products very similar. Highlights were created by just adding white face paint around and under the flicks of black. I'm extremely happy with how the fur came out but I would try a few different products first if I were to do it again as some were a little tricky to apply.

I made the cat pupils and then shaded around it adding light turquoise, dark blue, white and pale green to separate parts of the socket. 
After filling in the teeth, blacking the inside of the mouth out, sorting the lines around my nose and working on the fur a little more, I was done!

Original video tutorial:

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