Thursday 26 February 2015

Carnival head-piece

When I was researching Carnival I decided on creating a traditional looking head-dress. I found the basic shape i wanted and started thinking about how to make it with the materials I had.

The base around the head was created using strong wire and then the rest of the frame was made using thinner wire to shape and then covering with art straws. The art straws look nicer than exposed wire however when they're bent they do look rough and unprofessional.

 I'm happy with how it turned out and i got the desired shape. 

The frame started looking a lot better and more fitting when the glitter was added. Although this was messy and i had to re-apply it after attaching the feathers because it rubbed off when i was handling it, I'm happy i chose to change the colour of the feather within different sections instead of integrating them together because it looks authentic.

The rhinestones were difficult to add and get right with how small they are but with a little, or a lot, of time i got there. Without the rhinestones it wouldn't look as authentic. I think i may add large ostrich feathers to the back to add height and interest to the headpiece but i'm happy with the progress so far,

I intend on looking at other headpieces and even going a little crazier with head-dresses, getting inspiration from people such as the designers who attract figures like Lady Gaga.

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