Wednesday 24 June 2015

My final exhibition

My exhibition had three components: the fractal, the golden ratio and the hanging flowers.
The Fractal
My idea was to create an abstract flower with its petals being similar to that of my original collages. my mandalas were to represent the image of a smashed fractal. I used mandalas because they have similar features to fractals, mainly their precision and repetitive elements.
The idea to spout string from its corners came from when I looked back at my early work. the idea of negative and positive space fitted well with my exhibition as I wanted to create a space people had to navigate through.  
The Golden Ratio
I first looked at the golden ratio when we researched compositional rules at the beginning of the year. As fractals comply with the rule I thought it important to hint at it in my exhibition.
The Hanging Flowers
I tied flowers and hung them from where the string reached the ceiling then hung other flowers from various heights to look like they were floating. I wanted to incorporate real flowers into my exhibition some how because they were the original starting point of my project.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Looking back at my work and making sense of it.

For my exhibition i really needed to stop and take a look back at how my work had progressed to try and make sense of it. 

I looked at my first collage to start off:

Its crowded and in your face. i was never aware at the time as to why i did this. But the trait continued in my other work...

One of my other collages for example:

They both have geometric features which has been a strong element throughout this project,
I went back right up until i found where this began; when i first saw Kandinsky's work. The influence he had on my first automatic drawings went much further than i thought.

Kandinsky's work
My first automatic drawing
From this point my work became much more about geometric shapes and symmetry, which is what attracted me mandalas within my work.

Unconsciously my work had become about the way in which flowers and nature could be used in ways which featured geometry and symmetry.

This is what lead me to look at the fractals in nature.

The definition of a fractal:
Infinite complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. they are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop.

The image above made me think of one i had seen before, of the golden triangle at the very beginning of the year. 
All of this information gave me my idea for my exhibition. without noticing, symmetry and geometry had made its way into my work.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

final flower mandalas

This was one of my favorite mandalas because its different from the rest. the leaves have a cold feeling too them and their changed colour looks good with the central flower.

Friday 12 June 2015

flower mandalas for final piece

I wanted to create a bunch of mandalas for my final piece as they have been a vital part in my project

Im not 100% sure about this one, i experimented with the gradient tool. 

this mandala in particular is most similar to my first photoshopped collages with flowers

Thursday 11 June 2015

fractals in mandalas

After looking at fractals in nature, I wanted to create some mandalas that were similar to them.
Although this is repetitive, a feature of fractals, it reminds me of the Scottish flag a little bit.


I started to play a little bit with black and white effects and how they effect the overall look of a mandala

Alexander Mir

I came across Alexander Mir when i had done my flower association collages and my tutor suggested looking at her. While looking through her projects i found one named "mandalas" which sounded relevant as i'd just began to look more closely at them.

Mir chooses to look at recognizable images and turns them into mandala formats.

Some she didn't need to change for them to be in a circular format.

Her work reminded me of Andy Goldsworthy who i looked at closely as part of this project for his use of nature in his work.

As much as i like her work, i am drawn to colour which these don't have. combining her work with colour could be interesting though. the relationship between an image and colour is what i need to look further into.