Thursday 4 December 2014

British Folk Art

I started my research of Folk Art with a general google search. I found that Folk Art discards traditional rules of proportion and perspective. I liked the look of Folk art at first glance because of its characteristics of bright colours and bold lines.
I particularly 

I particularly liked this piece for that reason. The absences of straight lines in the piece adds interest and shape.

Some British Folk art car be found as Boat Figureheads. These display bright colours and minimal detail on the face. Figureheads were popular on Vikings ships and represented an array of qualities describing the boats owners such as their wealth. The more menacing appearance of toothy and bug-eyed figureheads on Viking ships were also believed to have the protective function of warding off evil spirits.

I'm really looking forward to this project and the ways I can branch out from it and to the further research which is needed.

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