Thursday 19 March 2015

Abstract Expressionism

Abstract expressionism is a post–World War II art movement in American painting, developed in New York in the 1940s. It was the first specifically American movement to achieve international influence and put New York City at the center of the western art world, a role formerly filled by Paris.

Artists included:

Robert Motherwell

I quite like Motherwell's work for the bold shapes he uses in his work matched with hints of colour.

Mark Rothko

I'm really not a fan of Mark Rothko. Mainly for the reason his work is the opposite of what i aim for with mine. He wishes to pull a feeling of uncomfortableness from the people who witness his work through colour and scale where as i wish for them to feel happy. 

Franz Kline

Although i would inject some colour into this work i do like the bold brush strokes. Each line draggs your eye to look at a new part of the painting which is characteristic of abstract expressionism.

Jackson Pollock

I'm undecided about whether i like Pollock's work. I like the incorporation of colour in his work and the expression within it, however some of the pieces for me look unskilled although time and effort have gone into them.

Arshile Gorky

I really like Gorky's use of colour and shapes within his work. it reminds me of my own original automatic drawings. 

Willem De Kooning

The shapes and lines in De Kooning's work are unclear and more subtle to what i prefer however i do like the bold primary colours

Clyfford Still

I really like Still's work. The vibrancy and abstract form of the colours and composition attract me. His work can be taken as many objects with people suggesting they look like flowers and butterflies. I think they have an element of freedom within them which is mainly why i like them so much. 

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