Friday 20 March 2015

Automatic painting-Pollck style

research into abstract expresionism called for some automatic painting. And since flowers were coming out in my work i decided it would be fun to do some flower designs in Pollock's style

This was the first, more fitting style, that i did by splattering paint using various materials such as pain brushes and sticks.

I then channeled some insparation from Kline with his large dark and bold lines. I injected some colour though as i didn't like the plainness of his originals.

I'm not sure how to explain where this came from, it was purely experimental and automatic. i used a pallet knife to spatter the paint on the page and the colours i used reminds me almost of a sunset. the movements are full of expression and are the bold movements seen in the artists work i had previously looked at.

I finally got round to creating some flower paintings by dripping paint on to the paper below me from a paintbrush. i added the darker blue to contrast with the blue paper and to also hint at what the colour the petals would be were it to be a real flower or painted from observation.

I liked the final outcome of this automatic drawing with the deep purple tones adding the suggestion of the light.

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